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Floor clause,es

The clause floor is lower than the interest we pay on our mortgage, whatever happens with the Euribor. In colloquial words, when we see on TV that have lowered interest rates on mortgages have to put face of stupid because ours will remain the same ......
The banks, bound by the judgments of those affected by the infamous clause floor, They start to change their ways and choose ()to negotiate with the client to avoid lawsuits: CAREFUL WHAT YOU AGREE, PROPOSED SOLUTIONS FOR THE MOST OF THE TIME ONLY LES benefit them.
The ground clauses are unfair if not meet transparency criteria ... criteria that do not exist in most mortgage contracts signed by customers, as the Supreme Court has said.

Until now most Spanish banks have ignored the Supreme Court and have not been applied the ground to its customers, to avoid losses in its annual accounts, therefore the only solution customers has been through going to court. Having recently gained the banks in most cases.
All these have led to judgments against a very high economic and social cost to banks, although still very few customers have legally claimed by the widespread popular belief that banks always lost. But as it exits favorable rulings customers, these will increasingly encouraging, to the point that has already been several favorable rulings to platforms "clause affected by soil".
This situation is causing a change in strategy in banks, they are beginning to negotiate with clients who seek the cancellation of their contracts soil, seeking to have the least possible economic impact by offering alternatives that what they do is change the money they earn with the imposition of the clause down for other products that give you the same return that lose: as can be down a "little" the clause in exchange for additional products such as insurance, pension plans, Card spending required, lengthen the years of the mortgage but leaving the ground ... yes making clear proof and seamless that you are absolutely informed of the clause floor ......

Any changes you stand is fully valid, Do not be messing with advantageous agreements ... the agreement that have to demand is unique: SUPPRESSION OF LAND WITHOUT CONDITIONS CLAUSE devolviéndote amounts collected MORE.